Common Reasons Companies Avoid Making Collection Calls

…And How CMCS Can Help Collect
Making collection calls is often fraught with apprehension and can be one of the most difficult tasks for any business to accomplish. Because many companies simply aren’t large enough to relegate an employee to fulltime collections, the job of making collection calls is often ill-defined. Even those businesses with dedicated personnel don’t always put their collection resources to the best use. It is almost universally agreed upon that the best way to recover payment is to specifically ask for it, and the the most effective way to deliver this request is with a phone call. Yet, companies continue to be stymied by this important practice.
Because it is not organic to the way most businesses are run, the job of making collection calls is often doled out to employees in a hodgepodge fashion. In this way, employees are forced to shoehorn collection calls into their regular roster, and the calls rarely reach the level of top priority. There are several reasons that this call avoidance endures:
- Employees are nervous about how the customer will react; because most employees can easily relate to the customer’s situation, they can also easily imagine the customer’s probable reaction;
- Employees often sympathize with the customer because, again, most people have been in a similar situation at one time or another;
- Employees, because they usually aren’t well informed regarding collection laws and guidelines, are often fearful of making a legal misstep during a collection call; and
- Employees simply aren’t sure what to say or how to say it.
Fortunately, there are other options – by utilizing a professional business collections service like CMCS, you can outsource your collections to a team that understands how to collect on past-due accounts. In addition, we only charge a fee when we collect on the account – in this way, there is no risk that you will lose more by engaging an outside service/
Call 800-223-6259 today for more information.
The debt recovery professionals at CMCS can help invigorate your sluggish collection system and minimize the effects of call avoidance in your company’s debt collections. For more information, contact a CMCS expert today at 800-223-6259.